External depth sensor

Surface scan with external sensor

Description of the sensor:

Modified Arduino code from https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-vl6180x-time-of-flight-micro-lidar-distance-sensor-breakout/wiring-and-test

#include "Adafruit_VL6180X.h"

// Modified example code from:
// https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-vl6180x-time-of-flight-micro-lidar-distance-sensor-breakout/wiring-and-test
// 2021-07-23 add filter

Adafruit_VL6180X vl = Adafruit_VL6180X();
uint8_t status;
float range;
float smoothed;
int filterStrength;

void setup() 
	filterStrength = 3;			// average of 4 values
	while (!Serial) {
	Serial.println("Adafruit VL6180x test!");
	if (! vl.begin()) {
		Serial.println("Failed to find sensor");
		while (1);
	Serial.println("Sensor found!");

void loop() 
	range = vl.readRange(); 	// using single shot ranging
	Filter(smoothed, range, filterStrength);
	status = vl.readRangeStatus(); 
	if (status == VL6180X_ERROR_NONE) { 
		Serial.print("(PRB:Z-"); Serial.print(smoothed, 2); Serial.println(")");  
	delay(50); 					// range execution time up to 10 ms at 100 mm

void Filter(float &OrigVal, int NewVal, int Strength){
	OrigVal= ((OrigVal * Strength) + NewVal) / (Strength + 1);  



  • The sensor will be read every 50 ms (= 20 Hz)
  • The average of 4 samples will be calculated
  • The value will then be send as a grbl-like probing answer: "(PRB:Z-12.34)" - continuously

  • The DIY-control interface receives and stores the data
  • The Serial Com interface takes and uses the last stored data, if an external probing command needs to be processed




Arduino code: vl6180.ino
Map data of the plaster face: face_1mm.map
OBJ data of the plaster face: face_1mm.obj
OBJ data material: face_1mm.mtl




Getting the height map of a plaster face, using an external depth sensor

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