Application examples

Multiple file loading
Adjusting pen-width via Z axis
Adjusting pen-width via S value
Fiducial correction via probing
Pixel art Santa Claus
Pixel art fake LED display
Line distortion art - X-Ray hand
Line distortion art - meteorite crater



Multiple file loading:

  • SVG-Icons downloaded from and unzipped.
  • Select some files and drag & drop them on the GRBL-Plotter icon or drag & drop on the 2D-view area of the already open program.
  • Files will be loaded in unknown order, imported with given options and arranged as defined.
  • Each file content will be surrounded by a "collection" tag, to be selectable

Machine limits:

Multiple file loading - 3 in a row, 2 mm gap:

Feedrate, Z-axis:

SVG scaling on import to max 10 mm:




Adjusting pen-width via Z axis:


Settings in Plotterfun pen-width:

Z-axis and feedrates:

Translate pen-width to Z value:

Import parameter::




Adjusting pen-width via S value:


Settings in Plotterfun pen-width:

PWM values and feedrates:

Translate pen-width to S value:

Import parameter::



Fiducial correction via probing:

  • Insert fiducial markers into your graphic, by adding them into a layer called 'fiducials' or name the graphic object 'fiducial'. Example: graphic
    Key word is set in [Setup - Program behavior - Camera - Fiducials].
  • After importing the graphic, the fiducial coordinates are listed in the probe-window 'Fiducial correction'.
  • Place metal fiducials markers (coins, washers) onto your workpiece.
  • To make starting easier, move the probe over the first reference point to trigger already. If indicator doesn't work, perhaps an old grbl version (before 1.1) is in use.
  • Press 'Start'.

Note: Offset between probe and tool must be teached first:

  • Perform 'Center finder' on metal fiducial - probe work coordinate will be set to 0;0 at the center of the fiducial.
  • Move the tool (pen) exactly to the center of the fiducial.
  • Take over the moved distance as offset (press button 'Get pos.').

Example graphic:

Setting the key-word 'fiducial':

Fiducials are listed after importing the graphic:

Indicator if probe is triggered:

Sensor used in video: LJ18A3-8-Z/BX

Sensor is connected via optocoupler with arduino probe input::





Pixel art Santa Claus:

  • Create pixel art with IrfanView or Paint.Net. Most pixel art templates are scaled-up in resolution and not useful for direct use.
  • .


See also:

Example pictures:

Setup pen up/down behavior and XY feedrate:

Setup image import:
Check tool table for correct colors, enable manual tool change.

Setup image import:

Setup image import:



Pixel art fake LED display:

  • Create pixel art lettering with IrfanView or Paint.Net. Save as 2 color png.
  • .





Line distortion art - X-Ray hand:

  • Create or find a bitmap heightmap, eg. a hand x-ray.
  • Post processing of the hand x-ray (with IrfanView): I inverted the colors (negativ) of the picture, converted it to grayscale and used 'Auto-adjust colors' to increase contrast. Finally I painted the background in 'real' white.
  • Convert the heightmap into line distiortion data, using

Example heightmap:

Settings in

SVG, ready to use:




Line distortion art - meteorite crater:

  • Heightmap of a meteorite crater can be generated here: Unreal PNG Heightmap (press the orange button 'Generate Heightmap').
  • You can save the generated heightmap and load it later as file or you copy and paste the generated picture.
  • Convert the heightmap into line distiortion data, using

Example heightmap:

Settings in

SVG, ready to use:




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